Increase Ejaculate

Friday, January 23, 2009

Increase ejaculate naturally

I took a detour from trying to find pills to increase ejaculate and started investigating natural methods to increase ejaculate by increasing testosterone. I figured it was worth a shot and could possibly be less expensive than trying to buy pills that may or may not do what they say.

I started by looking at foods that were famous for helping a man get a leg up as it were, on his sexual libido. Of course, the most famous food that is said to enhance sexual prowess and increase ejaculate naturally are raw oysters. I had never tried them and when I saw what they looked like, I didn’t really want to. Man, this stuff looked gross—how does anyone even eat those things?

But there I was in the middle of an oyster bar that I had gone into on a whim so I figured what the heck. I mean, it would be well worth if ingesting a pound of those oysters if it helped me achieve my goals. Once I got past the somewhat slimy feel they weren’t half bad and I did feel a bit more of a spring in the old step when I got home.

Unfortunately, that spring was all that happened. I don’t know who started to the rumor that eating oysters was the way to increase ejaculate naturally but it didn’t do a thing for me. I tried my hand at romancing my lady and failed, embarrassing myself and making her feel even more confused.

Although I was at loath to try it again, I decided to do some online research in regard to foods that supposedly increase testosterone and thereby increase ejaculate.

I learned that eating beans were another purportedly way to build up testosterone because of the Zinc levels in them. The Zinc is supposed to increase male hormones and thereby increase ejaculate. Another thing I know that beans increase is gas, which is hardly an erotic mood enhancer.

There were also certain meats like steak, pork chops and wild game that are said to help increase ejaculate naturally, but since I have to stay away from certain meats due to health concerns, this didn’t seem like an option either.

In the end, it would seem that in regards to locating ways to increase ejaculation volume naturally, I was back at the old drawing board…

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